The option is also available by hitting right click on the video and from that menu selecting Video > Snapshot.Instead of the above hotkey, on the menu bar you can press Video > Snapshot to save a snapshot.Press the shortcut for taking snapshot.When you reach the part of the video which you want to save as a picture, pause it if you want.Make sure that the video for which you want to take the snapshot is playing.Your picture is automatically saved into a folder of your computer. Just click a button or hit a shortcut key. VLC has an inbuilt option called snapshots and you will learn how simple it is to take one. You can use that image for your own purposes such as sharing, turning it into a wallpaper or just saving it in your folder. This way, that part of the video is exported as an image. VLC allows you to take snapshots of your favorite parts of a video file. If you have a video for which you want to extract a frame of it as a picture, then VLC is the right tool for you.